
New Paltz beckons . . .

The legend is putting you on notice. Return to campus this October 15-17, 2010 for the Reunion of a lifetime. Come join your friends, your classmates and your professors for a celebration of everything you love about New Paltz. Events over the weekend include class dinners, departmental gatherings, performances, a hike at Mohonk Preserve and much, much more.

Highlights include the Alumni Heritage Luncheon, where all are invited to celebrate the legacy of alumni celebrating a reunion of 50 years or more, as well as honoring our Heritage Award Winners Rosemarie Mainberger McBride ’60, ’68 g and Karl and Roberta Budmen — whose extraordinary dedication embodies the spirit of New Paltz. Then, come to the Lantern Society Dinner inducting the Class of ’60 into the distinguished ranks of classes reaching their 50 year mark. Finally, you must not miss the All Class Luncheon which brings everyone together to celebrate everything that makes New Paltz “New Paltz.”

Please join us for Reunion Weekend 2010. Your legend must not be denied.