News Releases

German Diplomat to Lecture at New Paltz – Mark 10th Anniversary of German Unification

NEW PALTZ — Stefan Schlüter, Germany’s deputy consul general in New York City, will be speaking October 11 on the SUNY New Paltz campus to commemorate the 10th anniversary of German reunification.

This event, which will begin at 7 p.m. in Lecture Center 100, is titled “Germany Ten Years after Unification: Problems and Prospects.” It is free of charge and open to the public.

Schlüter will address various issues associated with German unification, including: economic, social and environmental problems; introduction of the new Euro currency; the likely eastward expansion of the European Union; former chancellor Helmut Kohl’s ongoing campaign finance scandals; sporadic eruptions of right-wing violence; restitution for Nazi slave labor; and the Berlin Holocaust memorial controversy.

A native of Baden-Baden, Schlüter completed his graduate studies in political science at Hamburg University in 1978. Before taking up his present post earlier this year at the General Consulate in New York, he served in German embassies in Argentina, Algeria and Israel, as well as in the General Consulate in Los Angeles.

Schlüter will be introduced by Peter D.G. Brown, the distinguished service professor of German at SUNY New Paltz. Following his address, Schlüter will answer questions from the audience.

This event is being co-sponsored by the SUNY New Paltz departments of Foreign Languages, History and Political Science & International Relations; the offices of the President and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences; and the Center for Continuing & Professional Education.

For more information on this event, please contact Professor Brown at 845-257-3492 or e-mail him at