News Releases


NEW PALTZ — Mary L. Kahl, a faculty member in the communication and media department at the State University of New York at New Paltz, will serve on the teaching staff for C-SPAN’s Winter 1999 Seminar for Professors, to be held in Washington, D.C. later this month. The two-day seminar, now in its twenty-fifth year, attracts professors from across the nation in disciplines ranging from political science and public policy to journalism and communication.

Kahl, who uses C-SPAN extensively in her teaching and research, will conduct workshops and lead panel discussions on creative ways to use C-SPAN’s public affairs programming in the college classroom.

The seminar is organized by C-SPAN’s education relations department, through which “C-Span in the Classroom” provides free support materials to educators who utilize the network’s programming for teaching and research. Since the first seminar took place in 1987, more than 700 professors have participated in the program.

Kahl, an assistant professor of communication and media, teaches political communication and small group discussion at SUNY New Paltz. During the last pre-presidential election process, she was asked by DebateWatch ’96, a research unit of the Commission on Presidential Debates, to moderate a small focus group following the Clinton-Dole debate in Hartford, CT.

Her recent research and writing has included such topics as “Ellis Island and the Rhetorics of Public Memory,” “Looking Toward Debates 2000: Emerging and Enduring Issues,” and “Bridging the Generational Divide in the Name of Remembrance: The Rhetoric of Bill Clinton’s D-Day Discourse.”