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FAQs for faculty about online training and certification in 2023

Why did we launch the new training? 

New SUNY-wide Brightspace platform means everyone must learn new platform

Legal requirement to make online content accessible

More faculty need flexible, on-demand, and automated training

 Why use quiz scores as the measure for Foundational Certification

To give experienced online educators the opportunity to “test out” of familiar content

To remove training wait-times and allow for automated Foundational Certification

How has OIT (Office of Instructional Technology) Responded to Faculty Feedback regarding training and quizzes? 

Revised/removed potentially confusing questions

Added partial credit for multiple-select questions

Added self-checks and automatic feedback on right/wrong answers

Added prompt to contact OIT following 3rd quiz attempt to explore alternate options as appropriate

Do Faculty who completed Core DLE and/or Core Pedagogy in 2022 have to re-do either of those in Brightspace? 

No, they do not have to repeat Core DLE or Core Pedagogy if they completed those in 2022

I completed Core DLE and Core Pegagogy in 2022, do I have anything I still need to do?

Yes, you still need to complete Core Accessibility (Module 3 in the Brightspace Foundational Training and Certification)

How much time should it take to do the training and certification? 

OIT estimates 2 hours for each module if viewed in its entirety (6 total hours), although experienced online faculty are unlikely to need much time in Modules 2 and 3

Even highly skilled educators with online experience should expect 2 hours with Module 1 unless they have prior Brightspace experience

I’m not Certified yet, can I be listed in the Summer/Fall 2023 Course Schedule? 

Yes.  Chairs or Associate Deans should reach out to Dylan Hurley if they need assistance

Please complete the Foundational Training/Certification prior to the start of online classes

What are the Online Training and Certification Requirements?  

Note: All trainings are accessed in Brightspace and taken at the individual’s own pace.