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How to make your work available through the SUNY Open Access Repository

The Sojourner Truth Library invites New Paltz faculty and staff to submit scholarly and creative works to be made available in the SUNY Open Access Repository (SOAR).

SOAR was created in response to the Chancellor’s charge of 2018. It is a SUNY-wide, centrally managed resource designed to allow SUNY community members to self-archive their academic and creative works.

The SUNY New Paltz Open Access Policy applies to a range of scholarly and creative works, including journal articles, conference proceedings papers, book chapters, digital media, and creative works like scores and recordings, and catalogs of juried exhibitions. Any works of these kinds may be submitted to SOAR for Open Access publication while the author is a member of the academic or professional faculty or staff at New Paltz.

Works submitted must have been created after the adoption of the open access policy at New Paltz in 2020.

Faculty and staff are responsible for adhering to their licensing agreements and knowing if their publication can be hosted on a repository without violating existing copyright agreements. Library faculty are unable to assist with this portion of the process. For more information, please refer to the SOAR Submission Policy for Faculty & Staff Scholarly and Creative Works.

If you have a work to submit that meet the above criteria, please use this submission form, which can also be found on the SOAR Submission Policy page.

Questions? Please email Megan Coder (coderm@newpaltz.edu), Librarian and SUNY New Paltz SOAR administrator.