News Releases

New Paltz Education Test Scores Among Highest In State

NEW PALTZ — The results of the 1998 New York Teacher Certification Examinations (NYSTCE) for teacher candidates from the State University of New York at New Paltz were recently released. The results, reported by the National Evaluation System, Inc., included the scores of examinees who reported their affiliation with the School of Education at SUNY New Paltz.

Robert J. Michael, dean of the School of Education, said he “was very pleased with the test results. Across the board, SUNY New Paltz exceeded both the SUNY wide and statewide test score averages.” Michael said that passage of the exams is required and preliminary to teacher certification.

In the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST), SUNY New Paltz education students had a 92 percent passing rate. This was compared to the overall SUNY passing rate of 90 percent, and a rate of 69 percent for colleges statewide. The components of this test include scientific and mathematical processes, historical and social scientific awareness, artistic expression and the humanities, communication skills, and written analysis and expression.

The test results of the Elementary Assessment of Teaching Skills – Written indicated a 95 percent passing rate for SUNY New Paltz graduates, compared to a 92 percent passing rate for SUNY colleges, and a 72 percent rate for colleges statewide.

The test results of the Secondary Assessment of Teaching Skills – Written indicated a 96 percent passing rate for SUNY New Paltz, a 90 percent rate for SUNY colleges, and a 76 percent rate for colleges statewide.

The components of these tests include knowledge of the learner, instructional planning and assessment, instructional delivery, the professional environment, and written assignment.