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Human Research Ethics Board announces spring 2022 training

The Human Research Ethics Board (HREB) announces its spring 2022 training program for faculty teaching of research methods and other classes that involve human participants. The program is a two-day, two-hour per day workshop that provides a pathway for instructors to be certified as Exempt reviewers.

Two trainings will be conducted via WebEx at dates and times to be determined. Attending both sessions is required for certification. If you are interested in attending, please inform Roseann Merrill at hrebcoordinator@newpaltz.edu.

By becoming a certified HREB Exempt reviewer, you will be able to conduct student research in your classroom. Certified Exempt reviewers can also review and approve Exempt HREB proposals submitted by students in their research methods and seminar classes, allowing future HREB approvals to be done with fewer delays.

To qualify to review HREB Exempt proposals, instructors must complete the training program, become familiar with federal regulations and research ethics principles, and feel comfortable applying them to student proposals.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about becoming a certified exempt reviewer, please contact Maryalice Citera (HREB Chair) at HREBchair@newpaltz.edu or 257-3476.