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Technical issues with Accommodate: Guidance for faculty from the DRC on ensuring students receive accommodations

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) is aware of recent technical difficulties with Accommodate, the software used at SUNY New Paltz to manage student accommodations.

The issue may prevent faculty from receiving Accommodation Letters regarding students in their courses.

During this software issue, the DRC recommends that faculty use my.newpaltz.edu to access the most accurate, up-to-date list of student accommodations on their class roster. Do so by following these steps:

Log into my.newpaltz.edu

Click “Disability Resource Center” > “Courses” > “Enrolled Students”

Please note that only students who have registered with the DRC have access to Accommodate. Faculty who receive an exam request can infer that the student is registered with the DRC and will have accommodations listed on your Accommodate roster.

Faculty still have the ability to upload exams (even before receiving a request) by using their Accommodate accounts, by selecting Course>Exam>Add New. Doing this allows the DRC to provide your exam to any student registered with us who is enrolled in your course, even if they miss the deadline to make the online request. When uploading the exam, you will be able to provide any special instructions and specify the time frame for which the DRC is permitted to provide the exam to your students.

The DRC is working with IT to resolve the ongoing issue with the Accommodate system. We appreciate your patience and support until it is corrected.