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Updated mileage rate for employee travel, and other spring 2022 info from the Travel Office

The following information was originally delivered to all faculty and staff via a Jan. 18 email from the Travel Office.


Work-related employee travel remains limited for the spring 2022 semester and will continue to require pre-approval by the Provost or the divisional Vice President.

The standard mileage rate for 2022 travel has been updated. The rate for personal vehicle mileage is $0.585 and motorcycle mileage is $0.565. The mileage rates can be found on our Travel website (under Personal Vehicle Use Procedures) and the OSC website.

Like the fall semester, all pre-approved travel requisitions must be submitted to the Travel Office before employees’ travel occurs. If travel is not pre-approved, it will not be reimbursed.

Additionally, all travel requisitions and travel expense reports require the Provost or divisional Vice President’s signature, until further notice.

A few other travel reminders:

When lodging in New York State, always request the government per diem rate, and use the NYS Tax Exempt form.

When using Enterprise and having a vehicle dropped off at the campus, provide them with the actual date/time of your travel departure. The vehicle will be dropped off the afternoon before your trip, but charges should begin with the actual travel departure time.

All travel documentation and receipts should be scanned and emailed to the Travel Office at travel@newpaltz.edu. You no longer need to mail original forms and receipts to the travel department.

As the travel coordinator, Tammy Gray (845-257-3178, grayt@newpaltz.edu) will continue to be a resource for faculty and staff with all logistics prior to trips and will be responsible for auditing and processing all travel reimbursements. All questions regarding travel reimbursements can be directed to her attention, as can all reimbursement forms and receipts.