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Global Engagement Program hosts U.N Ambassador to Cuba Yuri Gala Lopes

The SUNY Global Engagement Program hosted a discussion of Cuba’s position in the United Nations with Ambassador Yuri Gala Lopez and Dalia Torres Seara, second secretary for the Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations, on Thursday, Dec. 16, at the SUNY Global Center.

Students had a conversation with the representatives about Cuba’s position at the United Nations around the Sustainable Development Goals and women’s rights.  The discussion was held as part of the the Global Engagement Seminar class.

Gala Lopez previously served as the Cuban ambassador for Jamaica before his role with the U.N.

This event is presented as part of SUNY New Paltz’s commitment to global citizenship via the SUNY-wide Global Engagement Program, which provides students with opportunities to immerse themselves in global affairs through internship opportunities and other academic enrichment programs.

SUNY Global conducts strategic planning, policy development, coordination of system-wide global initiatives. It is headquartered at the SUNY Global Center in the heart of Manhattan with additional offices in Albany, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ankara and Mexico City.