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Faculty: Join the GE Board to discuss the future of SUNY General Education, April 14

The General Education (GE) Board at SUNY New Paltz invites all faculty to join a dialogue about a new report from SUNY that proposes significant revisions to systemwide GE policies.

SUNY’s General Education Advisory Committee issued a new report last month recommending a revised framework, proposing changes like restructuring existing GE categories, reducing the number of categories and increasing the number of competencies.

Faculty members who are interested in reviewing and discussing the report with colleagues are invited to join the New Paltz GE Board at their meeting on Wednesday, April 14, beginning at 3:30 p.m. Please use this link to join the meeting on Webex when it begins. Full meeting information can be found below this message.

The GE Board meeting will focus on how the proposed changes may impact departments and programs at New Paltz, and feedback gathered at that meeting will be incorporated into a report to Interim Provost Barbara Lyman.

SUNY faculty and staff are invited to provide comment on the Advisory Committee report via this General Education Framework Survey no later than Monday, April 26, 2021.

Those with questions about the SUNY General Education Advisory Committee report can contact Associate Provost of Strategic Planning and Assessment Laurel M. Garrick Duhaney at duhaneyl@newpaltz.edu.

If you would like to get in touch with the GE Board, please contact Chair Rebecca Longtin, assistant professor of philosophy, or Deputy Chair Stephen Pampinella, assistant professor of political science.

WebEx Information for GE Board Meeting (Wednesday, April 14, 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.)

Meeting link: https://newpaltz.webex.com/newpaltz/j.php?MTID=m374f9759088447baff06c6346b869779

Meeting number: 178 991 6357

Password: hCpwTjQ377y