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Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act does not change SUNY campus policies

The following message was sent to all students and employees via email on April 5.

Dear Members of the Campus Community:

As many of you know, Gov. Andrew Cuomo approved the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) on March 31 legalizing the possession and use of marijuana by individuals 21 years and older in New York State. The act is complex, and effective dates for some provisions are not immediate.

We would like to remind everyone that this new state law will not change policies prohibiting the use, possession, or sale of marijuana on SUNY campuses.

SUNY remains bound by its federal requirements under the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug Free Workplace Act. Pursuant to federal requirements and existing SUNY policy, the use, possession, cultivation, and sale of cannabis remain prohibited on SUNY campuses and subject to code of conduct or disciplinary actions. This includes SUNY property in public or in dorms or offices, university-owned and leased buildings, housing, and parking lots, and at all SUNY events or while conducting university business, except for approved academic research.

Employees and students who violate SUNY policy prohibiting the use, possession, or sale of illegal drugs on campus will continue to be subject to legal or disciplinary action.

It is illegal and puts all building occupants at risk to tamper with or damage any smoke or fire-related alarms or devices to be able to smoke any substance in any building on SUNY property. These regulations will remain strictly enforced on our campus due to the potential of serious risk to life and damage to property. Furthermore, operating a motor vehicle under the influence of any intoxicating substance is not only dangerous and irresponsible but is illegal, and will be strictly enforced by members of law enforcement.

SUNY has begun to review policies and procedures regarding cannabis use, and is developing a campaign to educate the campus community about the new law, as well as the laws and policies in place prohibiting possession, use, or sale on SUNY property.


Donald P. Christian, President
Stephanie Blaisdell, Vice President for Student Affairs
Mary Ritayik, University Chief of Police