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Graduating in August 2021? Get your online application in by March 15!

Graduate and undergraduate students planning to receive their degrees in August 2021 must complete a degree application by the March 15 deadline in order to be reviewed for conferral.

The application process is quick, easy and fully online. Head to my.newpaltz.edu to get started, then click Students > Graduation > Degree Application. Some frequently asked questions about the process can be found below.

Don’t delay.  Send your online application today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I will be finishing all of my requirements during the semester I intend to graduate?
Review your progress report to make sure that ALL requirements show as completed or in-progress for completion. Contact your graduate advisor to help make any necessary changes to address deficiencies. Students cannot graduate unless all courses are graded.

What should I do if my online application will not open?
Online degree applications are only available to undergraduate students with 25 credits or fewer remaining, and graduate students with 18 credits or fewer remaining, as shown on their progress reports. This includes in-progress courses. If you already submitted the degree application, you will not be able to submit it again. If the online application is not available to you, check your progress report for accuracy and speak with your advisor to make any corrections BEFORE attempting to submit the online application.

What if I do not see my correct majors, applicable degrees or program of study on my online application?
If you believe the information listed is incorrect, submit the online application anyway. Contact Records & Registration to determine the necessary steps to correcting your student record.

Can I change my graduation term?
This can be changed by you before you submit the application. The next applicable graduation term will be indicated on the application. If the information is correct, make no changes. To change the term of degree completion, select the new term from the dropdown menu.

How do I make changes once the application is submitted?
Changes and corrections to the application can be made by contacting Records & Registration at recreg@newpaltz.edu.

What happens if my degree application is submitted AFTER the posted deadline in the Academic Calendar?
Since the application submission initiates a Records & Registration degree review, your record review will also be delayed, possibly affecting the actual date of degree conferral. Degree application submissions after April 1 will result in the omission of your name from the graduation ceremony program.

(For Undergraduate students) What happens if I add a major or minor after I submit the degree application?
Any late change to your records may delay your degree conferral and you may not be notified of any new deficiencies until we do a final record review.

(For Graduate Education students) Can I complete my degree without completing the New York State Education certification requirements?
Education degrees that lead to certification also must meet certification requirements in order to complete the degree and obtain New York State certification. Students are responsible for submitting documentation of all required workshops and updates to their personal online TEACH account. Students completing the CAS in Education Leadership must also submit proof of passing scores on the SBL and SDL exams parts 1 and 2.

I submitted my online application, what happens next?
Once the application is submitted, Records & Registration will review the progress report to determine the student eligibility for degree conferral. You will be notified of any missing requirements (“deficiencies”) by email. Undergraduate students can also check Starfish to see the tracking for graduation review to determine if you had a successful review with a green kudos star or if any missing requirements, “deficiencies” are listed. Failure to address deficiencies WILL result in a delay with degree completion. The actual degree conferral can only happen after all grades are in and requirements are met. Graduate students who are missing any requirements stated in their admissions letters may also have their degree conferral delayed.

You can check out Records & Registration website for more information about graduation, transcripts, progress report changes and more.

About Commencement 2021
The College will follow guidance from SUNY and state and local officials regarding the nature of our spring 2021 Commencement exercises.

SUNY’s most recent guidance on this subject reads in part:

“Commencement exercises ordinarily occurring at or near the close of spring 2021 semester will be considered in accordance with guidance from New York State. Campuses should begin to plan and message virtual commencements and/or safely distanced methods of recognition and degree dissemination for their graduates.”   

SUNY New Paltz is currently considering various options and will communicate them with the campus community once they have been finalized. Our plans will be contingent on state health department guidance at the time of Commencement.