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New COVID-19 profiles: Your testing and screening data in one secure place

The College is launching a new online tool this week to provide students, faculty and staff with real-time updates on test results, a clear visual of your daily health screening and weekly COVID-19 testing status, and early warnings if you are out of compliance with required protocols.

COVID-19 profiles have already been activated for students and will be coming later this week for employees. You’ll see a link to your profile after logging into my.newpaltz.edu and completing your daily health screening.

Your profile will keep a log of your on-campus COVID-19 tests and will display your results as soon as they are confirmed.

It also shows a record of the last 10 days, with information about whether you came to campus, whether you completed your health screening, and whether you had met SUNY’s weekly COVID-19 testing requirement for that day on campus. That 10-day display uses color-coded badges to help clarify whether you are in compliance with testing and screening requirements.

In this sample COVID-19 profile, the individual has been on campus every day from Feb. 8-15, and completed the screening every day as well. They got tested during the week of Feb. 8-12 (results still pending), but they need to get tested again during the week of Feb. 15-19 to remain in compliance with weekly testing requirements.

We will continue to use text and email to notify community members if they are out of compliance with health and safety policies, but this profile offers an additional, easy-to-use resource for understanding your status.

Information displayed on your COVID-19 profile is available only to each individual user and to a very small number of system administrators, in accordance with FERPA guidelines for protecting personal data.