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Insurrection, Impeachment and the Inauguration: A faculty panel, Jan. 26 at 4:30 p.m.

All members of our community are invited to join a panel of experts in political science, international relations, economics, history and government for a conversation about this month’s violence in Washington, D.C., and the transition between presidential administrations.

“Insurrection, Impeachment and the Inauguration” will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 26, at 4:30 p.m. on WebEx.

Use this link to join the event when it begins.
Password: Impeachment

The panel will be moderated by kt Tobin, director of The Benjamin Center for Public Policy Initiatives at SUNY New Paltz, and by Kathleen Dowley, chair of the Department of Political Science & International Relations.

The panel includes Mona Ali, associate professor of economics; Gerald Benjamin, professor emeritus of political science; Nancy Kassop, professor of political science & international relations; Daniel Lipson, associate professor of political science & international relations; Stephen Pampinella, assistant professor of political science & international relations; and Lou Roper, distinguished professor of history.

It is sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, the Department of Political Science & International Relations and the Benjamin Center.