_Chronological News FeedCOVID-19Institutional

Show us your wings! Download our new “Protect New Paltz” email signature icon now

SUNY New Paltz students, faculty and staff have a simple, new way to show support for our collective efforts to Protect New Paltz during the pandemic.

Adding this wings icon to your email signature is a great way to let friends and colleagues know you’re doing your part.

It just takes a few steps:

  1. Download the image above by right-clicking and choosing “save image as…” (or, find this and other email signature icons at https://my.newpaltz.edu/, by clicking the “Communication & Marketing” link)
  2. Follow these instructions for updating your email signature in Microsoft Outlook
  3. To make the icon work as a live link, right click it when editing your email signature, choose “Link,” and paste this URL: https://newpaltz.edu/newpaltzforward/

That’s it!

Our campus community has rallied together this fall, and we’ve been fortunate in having a low incidence of COVID-19 cases among students and employees to date.

However, as President Christian said in a recent message to students, “pandemic fatigue is real, and the numbers of COVID-19 infections is on the rise around the nation.”

We’re depending on all members of our community to stay vigilant, continue wearing masks, social distancing, getting tested and taking other measures to ensure a safe conclusion to our fall 2020 semester.

We hope you’ll enjoy using this icon, and thank you once again for doing your part to Protect New Paltz.