News Releases

School of Education to honor area teachers with 2006 Dean’s Awards for Excellence

NEW PALTZ — The School of Education at the State University of New York at New Paltz will award six of the region’s teachers with the 2006 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching at 4:30 p.m., Sept. 20, at a ceremony to be held at The Terrace Restaurant on the New Paltz campus.

Since 1984, the School of Education at New Paltz has collaborated with area school administrators and the Mid-Hudson School Study Council to recognize teachers in the Mid-Hudson Valley for being superior in their fields and endeavors.

As recipients of this award, each of the teachers will receive an honorary appointment as an adjunct clinical professor within New Paltz’s School of Education. They will also be recognized at the Mid-Hudson School Study Council’s Award for Excellence Dinner in October.

Nominations for outstanding teachers are made by school principals and district superintendents. The awards are given by the office of the dean of education at SUNY New Paltz based on recommendations from a review committee of education professionals. The winners are teachers who have demonstrated their commitment to teaching, to excellence and, most importantly, to children and their education.

“I am delighted to be able to honor these outstanding and dedicated teachers,” said Dr. Robert J. Michael, dean of the SUNY New Paltz School of Education. “A great deal of time and effort was put forth to provide the evidence we needed to make the final decisions on these recipients. The selection committee and I were quite impressed with their accomplishments.”

Recipients of the 2006 awards are: Laura Bair (Teaches 5th grade at Vails Gate High Tech Magnet School, Newburgh Enlarged City School District); RoseMarie Mastrocola (Orange-Ulster BOCES Special Education Center); Julie Bauer (Teaches 2nd grade at Livingston Manor Elementary School, Livingston Manor School District); Monica Larca (Teaches 1st grade at Garden Street Elementary School, Brewster Central School District); Nancy Talbott (Teaches 5th grade at the Rondout Valley Middle School, Rondout Valley Central School District); Bernadette Vicki (Teaches 11th and 12th grade at Nyack High School, Nyack Public School District).

Editors note: The following information was generated from materials of recommendation from each recipient’s school district administration.

Laura Bair teaches 5th grade at Vails Gate High Tech Magnet School in the Newburgh Enlarged City School District. Ms. Bair received numerous letters of support from administrators, fellow teachers, and parents, all praising her as a compassionate, kind and caring teacher who creates a safe classroom environment for children to learn. Ms. Bair sets high standards for learning and behavior in her classroom and, as a result, her students excel in their academics and are developing into socially responsible individuals. In the words of a parent, “Ms. Bair is a wonderful teacher…and it is a great honor to have her educating my children.”

RoseMarie Mastrocola has been a teacher in the Orange-Ulster BOCES Special Education Center for 33 years, where she has worked with secondary level students with emotional, behavioral and learning disabilities. Executive Officer and District Superintendent Dr. Robert J. Hanna reports, “Throughout her tenure, RoseMarie has remained a staunch and devoted advocate for young people who struggle with hardships every day of their lives. Colleagues praise her collaborative nature and her willingness to share her expertise.” As Terri Kaufman, the school counselor, aptly writes, “Her positive attitude and supportive ways have set her apart; she is the epitome of a special education teacher. Ms. Mastrocola is truly the heart and soul of Orange-Ulster BOCES.”

Julie Bauer teaches 2nd grade at Livingston Manor Elementary School in the Livingston Manor School District. She is a 20-year veteran who is as passionate today about teaching as she was when she first entered the classroom. Her principal, Sandra Johnson, says, “Mrs. Bauer personifies a superior educator! She has a complete command of teaching-learning strategies, and her plans reflect great care as she develops lessons to completely engage all of the learners in the classroom.” All who know Mrs. Bauer say that she is absolutely a committed and dedicated professional who puts her students’ learning above all else.

Monica Larca has spent the last 19 years teaching 1st grade for Garden Street Elementary School in the Brewster Central School District. She has been an educator for 34 years. It is evident from the numerous letters of support that Ms. Larca is a master teacher who, as her principal, Dr. Petriccione, notes, “is innovative and dynamic in the classroom, infusing her students with tremendous motivation and instilling in them an appetite for learning.” Ms. Larca is known in her school and her community as a highly respected professional whose contributions will be long lasting.

Nancy Talbott teaches 5th grade at the Rondout Valley Middle School in the Rondout Valley Central School District. She is a 20-year veteran who continually strives to provide the best educational experience for the students in her classroom. Her classroom and management philosophy, as described by her Principal, Raymond Palmer, “is based on the principle that everything done in a classroom is all about the child, their growth, development and love for learning.” Included among the many letters of support for Mrs. Talbott were several from current students. All echoed the sentiment expressed by one student, “Mrs. Talbott is a very patient teacher. She never raises her voice. Mrs. Talbott explains thoroughly, and when you have a question, she can answer it.”

Bernadette Vicki teaches 11th and 12th grade at Nyack High School in the Nyack Public School District. Even after being an educator for 34 years, the words used to describe Ms. Vicki by administrators, teachers, students and parents alike are “enthusiastic,” “innovative,” “caring” and “dedicated.” Many have lauded this passionate teacher who brings history to life for her students. Some of her various awards include being named in “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers,” selected as one of 150 teachers nationwide to participate in the 2005 Bill Of Rights Institute’s summer workshop at Mt. Vernon and selected by New YORK Stat United Teachers (NYSUT) to be an instructor for its New Teacher Leadership Certificate Program. Ms. Vicki also received her National Board for Professional Teaching Certification last year. She is a true leader and a master teacher.