School of Business

Business Schools seeks plan ideas for students to develop

NEW PALTZ — For the past two years, SUNY New Paltz School of Business students competed in the School’s Business Plan Contest. Teams of students, coached by a faculty advisor, develop business plans that can be applied to real business settings. The contest is judged by local business executives.

This year we want the business community to be even more involved. We are asking for your ideas for new projects that the students can turn into solid business plans. We also hope you will be available to advise our students, so they can not only work in teams with other students but also interact with business executives. And we are inviting you to become a Business Plan Contest corporate sponsor, whose support will build a scholarship fund for student participants and cover the costs of the contest.

The Business Plan Contest is a win-win for students and businesses alike. Students test their knowledge in the real world, and businesses benefit from their service and fresh ideas. Equally important, you have the satisfaction of helping to mold the next generation of business leaders.

Please visit Business Plan Contest, or contact Danielle Semenchuk, Director of Business Projects, at (845) 257-2932 or for more information.

One of the 2006 teams developed a plan to create graduate student housing on campus.
May 5, 2006