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Opportunities to get involved and join a committee with the Student Association

The following message was sent to students by email on Sept. 29.

Dear Fellow Students,

This is your Student Association Executive Board here to remind you that we are here to support you and be a resource and advocating body during this time. We are also writing to let you know about a variety of exciting opportunities to get involved with SA and be a voice for students on an SA committee, Faculty Governance committee, or campus committee.

Here is the list of the variety of committees that are available for all students, note some committees meet weekly, some bi-weekly, some monthly etc. If you are interested, you will need to be approved by the Student Association Senate and confirm with the contact person the meeting times.

Campus Judicial Hearing Panel
(Contact: President Haley Hershenson at

The Judicial Hearing Panel handles any cases involving violations of the student code of conduct or judicial policies.

SA Constitution and Rules Committee
(Contact: President Haley Hershenson at

Reviews constitution, writes/edits legislation or advises other students with writing legislation, documents changes to constitution, helps manage elections.

SA Alumni Affairs Committee
(Contact Celinet Nunez at

Create and nurture relationships between New Paltz students and alumni and will facilitate cooperation with various agencies, clubs, organizations, and faculty.

SA Transfer Committee
(Contact Senate Chair Halle at

Represent the growing population of transfer students at SUNY New Paltz, build outreach tactics to better serve and listen to their concerns, hold programs that will help build relationships among transfers and ease their transition into the SUNY New Paltz community.

SA Programming Board
(Contact VP of Programming Tiana Concepcion at

This is a group of students who provide oversight to the smaller expenditures of the Student Association budget.

SA University Police Department Committee
(Contact Celinet Nunez at

Build a better, clearer, and more effective relationship with the University Police Department through dialogue, educational programs, and relevant information for students.

SA Student Concerns Committee
(Contact Senate Chair Halle at

Builds outreach tactics in order to better inform students on the work of the Student Association, and reach out to students and their concerns about campus life.

SA Transportation Committee
(Contact Celinet Nunez at

This committee works with the SA Executive Vice President to advocate for transportation needs of students and help manage relations with the LOOP service and UCAT bus system.

SA Wellness Committee
(Contact Celinet Nunez at

Meet with a representative(s) from the Health Center and the Psychological Counseling along with the representatives from OASIS/HAVEN to discuss current programming, new programming, outreach, and student needs.

Campus Auxiliary Services Board
(Contact: President Haley Hershenson at

The CAS Board oversees core areas of the campus, such as food services, laundry, vending, the bookstore etc.

Campus Parking Committee
(Contact Celinet Nunez at

Students on this committee are able to advocate for students with parking needs and concerns on campus.

Faculty Senate
(Contact: President Haley Hershenson at

Serve as a voting member on the Faculty Senate (also called Academic Senate) where any major academic changes (curriculum changes, assessment changes, and other academic legislative changes pass through).

Curriculum Committee
(Contact: President Haley Hershenson at

This committee is responsible for approving new courses, majors, minors and other similar changes. They are also working on the new General Education guidelines.

Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee
(Contact: President Haley Hershenson at

Generally this committee works towards improvements on academic standards and policies. Right now they are discussing Student Evaluation of Instructors and Academic Advising. Any proposals, like a change to SEI’s, must then go to the Faculty Senate for approval.

Faculty Senate Educational Technology Committee
(Contact: President Haley Hershenson at

This committee plans to improve and plan for better use of educational technology on campus. They also review proposals from different departments for new technology on campus.

Faculty Senate Sustainability Committee
(Contact: President Haley Hershenson at

The Sustainability Committee is a subcommittee of the Budget, Plans, and Goals Committee and was created to handle the future green direction of the campus. They assist with the coordination and fulfillment of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment by helping to develop and implement an action plan for the College to become climate neutral.

Faculty Senate Scholarships and Chancellor’s Awards
(Contact: President Haley Hershenson at

This committee helps oversee the scholarships and chancellor awards nominations and selection process.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the respective SA Executive Board member if you are interested in one of these opportunities and want to learn more information. As always please continue to check our Instagram for more updates @sunynewpaltzsa.


Haley Hershenson, President
Celinet Nunez, Executive Vice President
Tevin Green, Vice President of Finance
Hannah Segal, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Governance
Tiana Concepcion, Vice President of Programming
Georgina Chavez, Vice President of Marketing & Communications
Halle Paz, Senate Chair
Brittanie Whyte, Council of Organizations Chair