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Faculty & staff: With many buildings card-access-only this fall, connect with vendors to plan deliveries in advance

As previously announced, a majority of buildings on the New Paltz campus will be accessible only with an active SUNY New Paltz ID card this semester, and only during open building hours.

Students and employees are strongly encouraged to carry their ID cards with them whenever they are on campus, and are asked not to hold or prop doors.

If you lose your ID card, have issues with card access or have other questions, contact Card Services at cardservices@newpaltz.edu or (845) 257-3034.

Card Services is also accepting walk-in traffic at Student Union room 64, Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

The Haggerty Administration Building entrance near Mail Services will be open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (no ID card required), allowing access to Card Services, the on-campus credit union location and other offices.

Some campus offices, departments and units receive recurring deliveries and services from outside vendors. Card Services can provide contractor/vendor access cards upon request, so that deliveries can be made as scheduled and without delay.

The College recommends that campus offices reach out to their vendors to let them know that buildings will be card-access-only this fall and provide contact information if they have difficulties getting in.

Signage notifying vendors of this information is being developed for posting outside building entrances and will be available soon upon request.