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DevNet wireless network to be replaced with new NP Hawks Devices network

On Tuesday, July 7, the campus NP Hawks DevNet wireless network will become unavailable and all existing device registrations for NP Hawks DevNet will be deleted.

Devices using this network will need to be reregistered and moved to the new NP Hawks Devices wireless network.

The DevNet wireless network has been used for game consoles, smart TVs, ebook readers, media players and other “Internet of Things” devices that are not compatible with the NP Hawks WPA wireless network.

The change to the new network is required to support more modern wireless technologies and practices, such as requiring a unique password for each device.

No other campus wireless network besides NP Hawks DevNet is affected by this change.

A guide on how to get your device onto the new NP Hawks Devices wireless network can be found on our support website: NP Hawks Devices – Getting Game Consoles, TVs, and other IoT Devices Online

In addition, a small number of devices that were manually registered by MAC address on our wired residential network (ResNet) will need to be reregistered after July 7. A guide on how to get your devices online while using a wired connection in our residence halls can be found on our support website:

Residential Wired Internet (ResNet) – Getting Online

Those who require assistance with these changes are invited to call the Service Desk at 845-257-HELP (4357) or open a ticket on the College’s support website.