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SUNY and Research Foundation issue research restarting guidance

On June 9, 2020, SUNY and The Research Foundation released the following guidance on restarting research activities on campuses.


To:               SUNY Campus Presidents

                     SUNY Campus Chief Academic Officers

                     SUNY Campus Vice Presidents of Research

From:           Grace Wang, Senior Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development

                      Jeff Cheek, President & Chief Executive Officer, SUNY Research Foundation

Subject:       SUNY and RF Research Restarting Guidance

In April, SUNY and the Research Foundation (RF) convened a task force to establish high-level guidelines and resources to inform the process of resuming research activities on campuses in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are pleased to share that SUNY and RF Research Restarting: Guidelines and Resources is now available on the RF web site for your reference.

The goal of this document is to ensure safe, streamlined re-opening of research activities, while mitigating the risk of spreading the coronavirus and preventing a “second wave” of infections. It is meant to serve as a reference for best practices across campuses, and provide links to resources to inform your decision-making. The document will be updated periodically as new guidance emerges.

We are grateful to members of the task force for their quick response to our call for assistance, and for the quality of their work. Thank you to:

  • Chris Ashley (RF)
  • Jay Barclay (RF)
  • Kathleen Caggiano-Siino (RF)
  • Sharon Chambliss-Alvarez (SBU)
  • Kathi Durdon (Upstate)
  • Todd Foreman (UAlbany)
  • Wendy Gilman (Cobleskill)
  • Lisa Gilroy (Binghamton)
  • Heather Hage (RF)
  • Adam Haney (SUNY)
  • Lynn Johnson (SBU)
  • Katie Keough (Upstate)
  • Kim Kohl (UB)
  • Mary Kraft (UB)
  • Emily Kunchala (RF)
  • Nancy Lewis (Binghamton)
  • Allison Newman (SUNY)
  • Chris Nomura (ESF)
  • Greg O’Connor (Farmingdale)
  • Meera Sampath (SUNY)
  • Shadi Shahedipour-Sandvik (SUNY Poly)
  • Scott Shurtleff (RF)
  • Joshua Toas (RF)
  • Peter Taubkin (RF)

Additional COVID-19 related resources available on the RF web site include:

Kindly note that all guidance provided is for the state-operated campuses and it is provided as a reference only for community colleges.

Please take care and be safe.