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Memorandum on extension of agreements to temporarily suspend forfeiture of personal leave accruals


Attn:  SUNY New Paltz All Bargaining Units

From: Volforte, Michael (Governor’s Office of Employee Relations)
Subject: Personal Leave Extension

We are pleased to inform you that we have extended our agreements with ALL unions that have employees that earn personal leave to suspend the forfeiture of personal leave accruals as follows. This also includes M/C employees as well. Please take steps necessary to restore any personal leave that may have been forfeited that is contrary to the guidance below. This guidance is to be liberally applied. Please note that “between the dates” includes both March 9, 2020, and Aug. 31, 2020.

Here is the language of the extension, below:

Employees engaged in the response efforts or who are unable to utilize “Personal Leave” (PL) due to ongoing response efforts who would otherwise forfeit unused PL on their anniversary date shall be allowed to carry such unused PL forward. This shall only apply to unused PL that was or would have been forfeited by bargaining unit members between the dates of March 9 and Aug. 31, 2020.

For example, a bargaining unit member has an anniversary date of March 24, 2020, they still have one remaining day of PL as March 23, 2020, and due to the response effort is unable to use the PL day. In this case on March 24 this member would be allowed to have six PL days: five new PL days in addition to the one carried forward. All personal leave standing to the employee’s credit on their anniversary date falling from March 9 up to and including Aug. 31 (in this example, March 24) would expire on the day before their following anniversary date, if unused.

This shall be applicable to all bargaining unit members who earn personal leave.

Michael Volforte, Director, Governor’s Office of Employee Relations