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Onboarding sessions: Get ready to build a blended learning course in Blackboard

The Office of Instructional Technology has designed a new development opportunity for faculty offered asynchronously through Blackboard, “Training: Developing a Blended Learning Course,” and will offer onboarding sessions on May 19 and 21 to help faculty orient themselves to the training site and objectives.

The course is designed to help faculty plan effective courses that meet required standards for quality remote instruction and accessible content. We strongly recommend that faculty take advantage of this opportunity to better understand requirements and best practices for high-quality blended courses (courses that have both synchronous and asynchronous elements), and guide the development of summer 2020 or fall 2020 courses that will be offered in this format.

The Blackboard training is also beneficial to faculty who have previously undergone online or hybrid development, but who now want to bring their courses up-to-date in order to qualify for recertification.

At the onboarding sessions, which will be held from 12 – 1 p.m. on Tuesday, May 19, and Thursday, May 21, Instructional Technology staff will cover the following:

  • Introductions to the instructional designers and support staff
  • The course syllabus
  • Course objectives
  • Course highlights
  • Suggested timeline for completion for Fall 2020 development

Please RSVP for the session that fits your schedule, and access information will be delivered in a confirmation email.