Virtual Student Research Symposium will launch Friday, May 1
The 26th annual Student Research Symposium will proceed in an online format this year with a series of pre-recorded presentations by student scholars that will launch on Friday, May 1.
Members of the community can access the virtual symposium at
Simply select “SUNY New Paltz” in the dropdown menu and create an account using your campus email address. You will then be asked to verify your account by email. After you verify your account, you will be able to access the symposium. Once inside, you’ll be able to view the video presentations and offer feedback and insights to our undergraduate researchers.
“Our institution prides itself on the extraordinary work of our students with the mentorship of our faculty,” said Kate McCoy, director of undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activities (RSCA), and associate professor in the Department of Educational Studies and Leadership.
“Our dedicated students have been working on research and creative projects that push the boundaries of our knowledge. The Student Research Symposium is a celebration of their achievements and we invite all of you to join us to offer your encouragement and take part in the discussions our students have started.”
Those with questions about the Student Research Symposium on May 1, 2020, are invited to contact McCoy at