_Chronological News FeedCOVID-19Student News

Student Association will host Virtual Town Hall, March 23 at 8 p.m.

SUNY New Paltz is publishing important messages and news updates related to the College’s response to COVID-19 on the campus news website. Use this link to view all these posts in one place.

The update below was shared by Student Association President Pink (Taijah Pink) on Thursday, March 19.

Campus community members can view updates at the Coronavirus Information and Coronavirus FAQs webpages, which are being updated regularly as this situation evolves.


We understand that this has been a very difficult time for students. We know that student leaders within clubs and organizations have put a lot of time and energy into their programming for the remainder of the semester and we recognize this is a challenging time, with a lot to take in so suddenly.

We want to remind you all that we are here and that out of sight does not mean out of touch, Student Association will continue to be a resource and voice for students during this time.

We are looking into ways for students to continue to engage and still feel a part of the New Paltz community while still practicing social distancing.

We want to be able to hear student concerns and answer questions during this stressful time which is why the New Paltz Student Association Executive Board is hosting a Virtual Town Hall on Monday March 23rd, at 8:00 PM.  Meeting information is listed below.  

Another way to have your voice heard is by submitting a question or concern to the Student Association through our new google form at https://forms.gle/rKHLA1puCrPuPbJi6 . This form will be monitored daily, and questions or concerns will be responded to within 72 hours. Please feel free to share this form with other students.

Spring 2020 Student Association elections will continue, though the election date has been pushed back to April 13-16. In order to make sure that Student Association can move forward and support students into next semester candidacy forms for Executive Board & Senators are available on ENGAGE at https://newpaltz.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/390841.​ The submission deadline for candidacy forms is Friday, April 3rd at 12 Noon.  Please await further information pertaining to campaigning, training and voting dates and for more information contact Chair.newpaltzsa@gmail.com.

Virtual Town Hall Meeting Information:

Meeting link: https://newpaltz.webex.com/newpaltz/j.php?MTID=m4334f15540e3707347fcc86f98c6afd2

Meeting number: 643 470 429

Password: qQy9vd2Dq2

Host key: 168181

Join by phone: +1-415-655-0001

Access code: 643 470 429