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Dozens of retired faculty come out for semi-annual luncheon

The spring Retired Faculty Luncheon was held on June 3, extending a tradition that extends back more than 25 years, when members of the SUNY New Paltz faculty began meeting at diners in the Village of New Paltz.

The annual luncheon is an outgrowth of that collegial gathering, this year bringing about 40 retired professors, lecturers, adjuncts and professional faculty together at the College Terrace to catch up and share a meal.

“It’s a great opportunity to remind the retired faculty of their benefits while at the same time encouraging them to participate in ongoing college activities, such as Reunion and Faculty author receptions, where they are welcome to attend,” said Alan Dunefsky, who helps organize the luncheon in the course of his work as chair of the Retired Faculty Planning Committee.

Guests are also treated to a brief campus update and question and answer session with President Donald P. Christian, to keep them abreast of recent and upcoming news and events.

This year, Christian shared insights from his regular “Hot Chocolate with the President” forums, which he holds with students throughout the semester.

“When I ask students what they like best about New Paltz, it’s almost inevitable that the first thing they say is, ‘we like our professors, we like the way they teach and support us, and we feel like we can go to them when we need help,’” President Christian said. “Interestingly, when we talk to alumni from the 70s and 80s, we hear almost the same words. So it really feels like we’re continuing traditions that many of you helped build here at New Paltz, and you should be proud not only of your time here, but the legacy that you created during that time.”

Please follow this link to learn more about events and services for retired SUNY New Paltz faculty.