News Releases

Alumni return for reunion weekend and 175th birthday celebration

NEW PALTZ — Planetarium presentations, soccer games, afternoon tea, concerts, hikes and birthday cake will highlight this year’s Reunion Weekend at SUNY New Paltz, Oct. 3-5. In addition to all of the events, alumni will be returning this year to help New Paltz celebrate its 175th anniversary.

“The 175th adds a special touch to this year’s Reunion Weekend,” said Rayna Wendell, director of alumni affairs. “And the large amount of new alumni groups that are holding reunions, such as Alumni of Color, Asian Studies, International Programs, and Communication and Media, ensures that this reunion will be a fun filled stroll down memory lane.”

The weekend’s events will begin at 9 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 3, at the Hopfer Admissions and Alumni Center with a welcoming reception and registration. Other events on Friday include, a men’s soccer game against SUNY Fredonia at 4 p.m., and a Lantern Society reception and diner for all Alumni from 5 to 7 p.m. This newest New Paltz tradition will induct the Class of 1953 into the Lantern Society and honor all current members. The evening begins with a reception, followed by dinner and a special lantern celebration.

Highlighted events for Saturday, Oct. 4, include a luncheon at 11:45 a.m. with Steven G. Poskanzer, New Paltz’s new president, and the 175th and 325th Birthday Celebration at Hasbrouck Park. The birthday celebration will recognize 175 years of higher education in New Paltz and the 325th anniversary of the founding of the town of New Paltz — all this will be topped off with a cake-cutting ceremony at 2 p.m.

“The birthday bash on Saturday will provide an opportunity for alumni to connect with the Town of New Paltz in their celebration,” said Wendell, “as well as celebrate the historic diversity of both the campus and town.”

A final planetarium show in the newly refurbished John R. Kirk Planetarium will bring Alumni Weekend to a close at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 5. The planetarium is located in the Coykendall Science Building.

For a full schedule of events, registration forms, list of attendees and hotel accommodations, please go to

Note to Editors: Most activities of Reunion Weekend 2003 are open to media. If you would like to cover one or more of these events, please contact the Office of Public Affairs at (845) 257-3245 in advance so that we may facilitate your campus visit.