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SUNY New Paltz’s accreditation reaffirmed

President Donald P. Christian has announced that the Middle States Commission on Higher Education has reaffirmed SUNY New Paltz’s accreditation and commended the quality of the College’s Periodic Review Report.

“Congratulations to every member of the College for your work and accomplishments that resulted in Middle States’ positive assessment of our college,” President Christian said in a message to the campus community.

He offered particular thanks to New Paltz’s Periodic Review Committee: Laurel M. Garrick Duhaney (Chair), Thomas Albrecht, Anne Balant, Robin Cohen-La-Valle, L. David Eaton, Deb Gould, Michael Rosenberg, Surinder Tikoo, Lucy Walker and Julie Walsh.

The Middle States Commission is a voluntary, peer-based, nonprofit organization that performs evaluations of public and private universities and colleges throughout the United States, as well as some foreign institutions of American origin.

Middle States requires its member institutions to submit to self-studies and full evaluations every ten years, and to submit Periodic Review Reports after five years have passed between the decennial evaluations.

New Paltz’s current Periodic Review Report was lauded by the Middle States evaluators for its thorough and honest response to the Committee’s prompts. The reviewers’ report included five specific commendations:

  • “The Commission should commend New Paltz as the report is well written and documented in such a way that it is easy to read. The report also included information for each suggestion and recommendation. Progress to date is adequately documented.”
  • “New Paltz has stabilized its administration with the hiring of full time permanent employees (e.g. President), thus making a statement to its constituents on a commitment to continued success. Further, the strategic plan has set the continued course of action for the next several years (2018).”
  • “The commitment to the philosophy to teaching as being hands-on, collaborative, and inquiry based is worthy of highlighting. This also takes into consideration the use of high impact practices and best practices in higher education.”
  • “The increased availability of study abroad opportunities is a plus for New Paltz. Underrepresented students will greatly benefit from this opportunity.”
  • “Assessment reporting has been outlined and the report indicates that the structures are working and improving student learning outcomes. As well, course and program development are influenced by the assessment process.”

SUNY New Paltz last saw its accreditation reaffirmed on June 23, 2011, following the extensive Middle States self-study. The next Middle States evaluation period will begin in 2020.

More information about the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and their accreditation process can be accessed online.