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The Business Institute launches new program in Organizational Health

A new program focusing on Organizational Health is debuting this fall at The Business Institute, the SUNY New Paltz School of Business initiative that has provided training, continuing education, research and business advising to Hudson Valley entrepreneurs since it was founded in 2001.

The new program in Organizational Health will consist of three sessions based largely on the writings of Patrick Lencioni, national authority on the effectiveness of organizations.

Lencioni’s bestselling book The Advantage offers creative ideas for building a cohesive leadership team and establishing clear communication among leaders and everyone within the organization.

He argues that the advantages of Organizational Health are undeniable: companies get more done in less time; they avoid losing their best people; they identify problems earlier and solve them faster; and they beat rivals who waste time, money and energy fighting among themselves.

The Business Institute’s Organizational Health program will include the following sessions:

Session 1:  Build a Cohesive Leadership Team
Oct. 27. 9:00 a.m. – noon
van den Berg Hall, Room 219
Registration $75, Deadline Oct. 15
Register online: www.newpaltz.edu/schoolofbusiness/execed  

SESSION LEADER:  Christina Bark, JD

DESCRIPTION:  Cohesive teams build trust, eliminate politics, and increase efficiency.

OBJECTIVES: A healthy organization is one that has less politics and confusion, higher morale and productivity, lower unwanted turnover and lower recruiting costs than an unhealthy one. No leader would dispute the power of these qualities and every leader would love his or her organization to have them. Unfortunately, most of us struggle with how to make this happen.


  • Knowing one another’s unique strengths and weaknesses
  • Openly engaging in constructive ideological conflict
  • Holding one another accountable for behaviors and actions
  • Committing to group decisions

Session 2: Create, Over-Communicate and Reinforce Clarity
Nov. 3, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
van den Berg Hall, Room 219
Registration (includes lunch) $150, Deadline Oct. 22
Register online: www.newpaltz.edu/schoolofbusiness/execed  

SESSION LEADER:  Christina Bark, JD

DESCRIPTION:  Healthy organizations minimize the potential for confusion through clarity.

OBJECTIVES: Clarity in communication of roles, goals, responsibilities and priorities helps all members of an organization understand how they fit into the whole. Clarity should be reinforced at every organizational level, across multiple media, in pursuit of consistent and sustainable practices in hiring, managing performance, meeting structure, rewards and recognition, employee dismissal.


  • Tips for creating a cohesive team
  • Tips for creating clarity
  • Tips for over communicating clarity
  • Tips for reinforcing clarity
  • Applied workshop: practice in making clarity happen

Session 3:  Centrality and Quality of Meetings

Nov. 10, 9:00 am. – noon
van den Berg Hall, Room 219
Registration $75, Deadline Oct. 29
Register online: www.newpaltz.edu/schoolofbusiness/execed  

SESSION LEADER:  Rief Kanan, MS, CPA, Professional Facilitator

DESCRIPTION: Without effective meetings, an organization will waste time, make poor decisions and leave employees frustrated and resolved to work in silos.

OBJECTIVES: Put in place a meeting structure that delineates between tactical and strategic issues so employees can properly focus. Avoid the desire to fit everything into one big meeting, but set aside enough time to accomplish desired outcomes. Make sure all attendees understand the purpose of the meeting and what is at stake. Engage attendees from the outset and don’t be afraid to provoke conflict.


  • Tactical or strategic issue?
  • Brainstorm? Offer alternatives? Debate or just sit and listen?
  • Conflict should be ideologically emotional
  • The mark of a great meeting

For more information, or assistance in registering, call or email:

Rief Kanan, Director, The Business Institute, 845-257-2936, kananr@newpaltz.edu

Lori Nutting, Assistant to the Dean, School of Business, 845-257-2932, nuttingl@newpaltz.edu

The Business Institute is chartered under the SUNY Research Foundation. More information about The Business Institute and how to register to receive services is available online.