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SUNY Chancellor, state Education Commissioner visit College for Education Consortium

20160607-1_SUNY Education Conference with Chancellor Zimpher and Commissioner_053SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher (at right) and New York State Education Department Commissioner MaryEllen Elia (center) visited SUNY New Paltz on June 7 to address the SUNY Deans Education Preparation Program (EPP) Assessment Consortium. The group, a collective of education leaders from more than a dozen SUNY institutions, gathered at New Paltz this week to discuss industry best practices and consider the challenges facing teachers and school districts in New York.

Elia and Zimpher spoke about the launch of the new TeachNY partnership between SUNY and the State Education Department, which is dedicated to confronting an anticipated teaching shortage in New York.

“We have focused this campaign on recommendations that promote the power of teaching,” said Chancellor Zimpher. “We know that excellently trained teachers are the number one in-school factor on student success. By lifting up the teaching profession and transforming the way we not only prepare, but continually support, our teachers, TeachNY will ensure that New York has the cadre of high-quality teachers that our state and our students deserve.”

The agendas for both the EPP Consortium and the semi-annual meeting of the SUNY Deans and Directors of Education and Professional Studies on June 8 and 9 examine a variety of approaches to achieving these goals. They featured workshops and presentations on topics including teacher certification, the importance of developing teachers for global opportunities and the current demands of the education labor market.

As one of the longest-standing teacher training institutions in the state, New Paltz recognizes the role its own School of Education must play in fortifying these areas and meeting statewide teacher preparation needs.

“SUNY New Paltz has a long and proud tradition of teacher education, with roots dating back to a classics academy started here in 1828, and today we continue to expand clinically rich experiences and opportunities for future teachers and leaders” said President Donald P. Christian. “We’re very proud of the academic quality of our School of Education programs and the resources we make available to the region, but we recognize the imperative to keep improving. As the dynamics of the teaching profession change, it’s critical that we equip teachers with the latest tools and best practices to enhance their development and success in the classroom. Chancellor Zimpher and Commissioner Elia’s TeachNY initiative is designed to help accomplish these kinds of goals.”

Please visit the SUNY website if you are interested in reading more about TeachNY.

More information about the School of Education at SUNY New Paltz can be accessed online.