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Center for Innovation in Education at New Paltz set to open this fall

CIEThe SUNY New Paltz School of Education announces the launch of the Center for Innovation in Education at New Paltz (CIE@NP), one of four SUNY-wide innovation centers that will offer an array of unique teacher training services to regional students, faculty, school districts and networks of K-12 teachers.

An official opening will be held on Nov. 11 from 3 – 5 p.m. in the Old Main Building, Room 215. The opening event will celebrate the CIE@NP, as it prepares to serve as this initiative’s downstate hub, supporting education throughout the Hudson Valley, New York City and Long Island.

“The Center for Innovation in Education at New Paltz uses modern tools, including classroom simulation software and 3D printing technology, to develop new strategies for integrating a Common Core framework in curricula and helping teachers apply their skills,” said Dean of the School of Education Michael Rosenberg. “Our focus on preparing educators with proven, evidence-based practices will provide an array of benefits to our teacher candidates and to students in schools across the Hudson Valley.”

The mission of the CIE@NP is to advance collaboration, enrich curriculum and enhance clinical practice across all levels of instruction. It will do so primarily in three areas of focus:

TeachLivE™ Mixed-Reality Classroom Simulation

TeachLiveThe TeachLivE™ Lab is unique in its ability to realistically simulate different kinds of interactive teaching environments for multiple audiences in a way that allows present and future educators to develop 21st century pedagogical skills in a safe, responsive environment.

“Using this innovative platform, candidates can practice teaching and develop effective classroom management strategies,” said Karen Bell, director of the CIE@NP. “Receiving immediate feedback allows candidates to modify their behavior to achieve the best outcomes possible, so when they enter the real classroom they are better prepared to deal with the challenges they will face.”

Multi-Disciplinary Curriculum Development

New Paltz faculty in the School of Education and in other disciplines will work with regional k-12 teachers to develop and implement project-based curricula to energize mutual learning at all levels of instruction. Curriculum development teams will work with the goals of diversifying class content and helping teachers incorporate critical reading and evidence-based argument in their work with students. Four such units have already been completed, and CIE administrators are presently evaluating a number of additional proposals.

3D Printing

Through partnerships with school districts, teacher collectives and organizations such as the Mid-Hudson Teachers’ Center (MHTC) and the New York State Master Teacher Program, the 3D printing component of the CIE@NP aims to bring 3D design and printing to a younger, wider audience. Advanced manufacturing experts at SUNY New Paltz are working to train k-12 educators in 3D printing instruction, and the CIE@NP will provide schools and learning centers access to printers and design software through grants and loan programs. These efforts will ensure that significant numbers of Hudson Valley youths have the chance to benefit from exposure to this burgeoning technology.

More information about the Center for Innovation in Education at SUNY New Paltz is available online.

The SUNY Centers for Innovation in Education are funded by SUNY Teacher and Leader Education Network (S-TEN) grants made available by the New York State Education Department (NYSED). They are designed to bring the Regents Reform Agenda to higher education by helping schools of education expand clinically-rich preparation of future teachers, promote performance assessment and use data to inform decisions.