News Releases

Management Association holds Student Development Day conference

NEW PALTZ — The State University of New York at New Paltz Management Association is hosting a Student Development Day conference on campus from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., on Nov. 15, in the Student Union Building. This full day event will allow students of various majors the opportunity to network with business leaders and better equip themselves to enter the ever-challenging business world.

The Student Development Day conference will feature educational workshops, presentations, lectures and skill development activities led by leaders in the fields of communications, management and business.

Presenters and their presentations will include:

  • Jodie-Beth Galos, Galos and Associates, LLC — “Human Resource Labor Issues”
  • Dr. Paul Brown, The Continuous Learning Group –“Leadership”
  • Joan Lawerence-Bauer, Catskill Corners — “Communication in the Workplace”
  • Caren Fairweather, Fairweather Coaching — “Long Range Career Planning”
  • Karen Chaffee, School of Business at SUNY New Paltz — “Networking”
  • Diane Schroeder, Jim Waters Corp. — “Everything You Wanted to Know About Interviewing But Were Afraid to Ask”
  • Robert Miniger, Balchem Corp. — “Maintaining Motivation”
  • John Hoff, New York Power Authority — “Overcoming the Impossible Goal”

Students from all area colleges are invited to attend. Registration will take place in the School of Business Building (SBB) before Nov. 15. The cost of the conference is $9.20, which includes a continental breakfast and a lunch buffet. New Paltz students may use their meal cards to pay for the conference.

For more information, e-mail Jessica Vargas at, or faculty adviser Kris Backhaus at

The Management Association of the School of Business is a student chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and funded by Student Activities.