Student Health Services offers tips for a happy, safe St. Patrick’s Day weekend & Spring Break
With St. Patrick’s Day and Spring Break approaching, Student Health Services would like to offer some safety related tips and information for students who may choose to partake in celebrations locally or in larger cities.
Eat and stay hydrated
Eat a meal and drink plenty of water if you choose to drink. It’s important to stay hydrated, so be sure to drink water throughout your activities and alternate alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
Set a limit and pace yourself
Alcohol, cannabis and other substances can affect people differently. Before you go out, set a limit that works for you and keep track of the amount you are consuming and over what time period. Pace yourself and avoid trying to keep up or outdrink others.
Be aware of risks
You are in control of the drink or substance you are consuming. Avoid combining alcohol with medication or other substances. This can increase your risk of accidental THC toxicity or overdose. Consider using drug test kits or carrying Naloxone (Narcan). For more information click this link on Opioid Emergency Kits.
Use a designated driver or safe travel option
Designate a friend who will remain sober as the responsible driver or have a plan for safe travel options prior to going out. If your travel plan means relying on your phone, be sure you are fully charged and consider bringing a backup battery.
Respect your community
Be respectful of the community you are in whether you are living there or just visiting. You can be a respectful neighbor by being mindful of noise levels, picking up after yourself and keeping public spaces clean.
As a SUNY New Paltz student, you represent the University off-campus. If you are arrested off-campus, you may face disciplinary action on-campus. Please be aware that Social Host Law applies to anyone residing off-campus and is enforced by local law enforcement; by providing alcoholic beverages or cannabis products to under age 21, you may be held accountable.
Be an active and positive bystander
We ask all Hawks to be part of keeping themselves, others and our community safe, whether on or off campus. We encourage all students to be mindful of their surroundings and look out for each other. If you see something, say something. Enlist the help of others to intervene if needed.
Remember that if you are on campus, the University Police Department is available 24/7, and if you are off campus at a business, restaurant or bar, you can ask the staff, bartenders, bouncers and other bystanders for help or call 911. For resources related to sexual or interpersonal violence, please visit this link for Title IX resources.
Call for help if you or someone else needs it
Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Drinking too much and experimenting with other substances can lead to serious health concerns like alcohol poisoning, THC toxicity or overdose. Call the University Police Department at (845) 257-2222 for on-campus emergencies and 911 for off-campus emergencies. SUNY New Paltz has policies in place that can protect students from sanctions when they call for help in an alcohol- or drug-related emergency.
In addition, a bystander or an individual acting in good faith that discloses a Title IX incident to SUNY New Paltz or law officials will NOT be penalized for violations of alcohol and/or drug use policies. For more information, review our Good Samaritan and Medical Amnesty policies.
We hope all students are safe and enjoy themselves.
For additional resources, please reach out to is the Psychological Counseling Center at (845) 257-2920 or visit and the Student Health Center at (845) 257-3400 or visit