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Student Association announces results of fall 2024 Senate elections

The following message was sent to all students via email on Sept. 20 

Dear Students,  

We are happy to announce the results of this year’s fall Student Senate election. We would like to take the time to thank each student who voted in this election for their participation! 

Attached you will find the results for the Student Senate seats. Also attached is a snapshot of the student voter demographics. Congratulations to all the candidates who took part in the candidacy process and their hard work throughout campaigning. 

For Student Senate positions that remain vacant, those interested in running should reach out to Sara Vala, the Student Senate Chair (sa-senatechair@newpaltz.edu) for more information. Please direct any other questions directly to the emails listed below.   

Best Regards, 

Andrew Hennebury (He/Him)  

Vice President of Academic Affairs and Governance  



Kevin Merting (He/Him)  

Coordinator for Student Government Operations  
