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Be a candidate! 2024-25 Student Association Executive Board and Senate elections approaching


The following message was sent to all students via email on Sept. 3

Hello SUNY New Paltz students,     

The process for the Student Association Senate elections for the 2024-25 Academic Year is underway! We want to inform you all about the positions we have open in this cycle!  Any student can run for these positions by completing a Candidacy Form. 

The Student Senate operates as the upper legislative branch of the Student Association. We meet on a weekly basis to discuss and vote on important legislation, collaborate on initiatives in the name of student interests/concerns, and maintain strong relationships with other campus bodies such as Residence Hall Student Association, NYPIRG, Sustainability Ambassadors, the Faculty Senate and more.  

Becoming a student senator is a wonderful opportunity to develop your leadership skills, represent your community, and have a voice in how our campus operates. Student Senate is one of many ways you can make meaningful change at SUNY New Paltz. Position descriptions are all outlined in the Candidacy Form.  

The following Student Senator Representative positions that will be open during elections are:    

  • 12 Residence Halls Representatives (one per hall)   
  • One College of Liberal Arts & Sciences   
  • One School of Business   
  • One School of Fine & Performing Arts   
  • Four Undergraduate Student Class Representatives based on credits: Freshman Class Representative (0-30), Sophomore Class Representative (31-60), Junior Class Representative (61-90 credits), Senior Class Representative (91+ credits)   
  • One Representative Elected at Large (all students eligible)  
  • One Graduate Student   
  • Two Commuter Students   
  • One International Student   

Candidacy forms are available on ENGAGE and the deadline to submit is Monday, Sept. 9, 2024 at noon. Voting will take place from Sept. 15 until Sept. 18 at noon.

Please feel free to reach out to Kevin Merting (mertingk1@newpaltz.edu) or Andrew Hennebury (sa-vpaag@newpaltz.edu) if you have any questions.    


Andrew Hennebury 

Vice President of Academic Affairs and Governance  


Kevin Merting  

Coordinator for Student Government Operations