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Assistant Professor Ellie Mellon’s chapter on ethics in behavioral analysis selected for World Health Day resource center

Ellie Mellon, assistant professor of teaching & learning, is co-author of a chapter that was selected for publication in Elsevier’s Sustainable Development Goals Resource Centre.

The chapter, titled Equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in research,” originally appeared in the book Research Ethics in Behavior Analysis: From Laboratory to Clinic and Classroom, published by Elsevier Academic Press.

Mellon and co-authors Sarah Kristianen (Endicott College) and Noor Y. Syed (Empire State University) discuss the importance of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility with respect to research in applied behavior analysis, and offer suggestions for how researchers can engage in more equitable practice and advance the science of behavior analysis by cultivating these topics in their research practices.

Through the chapter’s inclusion in the Resource Centre, part of Elsevier’s World Health Day campaign, it will be open and free to access via ScienceDirect as of April 7.

More information about School of Education faculty research is available here.