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Quick reminder: Updating your time record for the Veterans Day holiday

The Office of Human Resources, Diversity & inclusion reminds employees that they have earned a “floating holiday” if they worked on Veterans Day, Friday, Nov. 11, 2022.

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Human Resources, Diversity, & Inclusion at (845) 257-3171 or via email at hrdi@newpaltz.edu.


Unclassified employees (UUP and M/C)

Full- or part-time unclassified employees who are required/regularly scheduled to work on a Regular Compensatory Holiday on Nov. 11 should be sure to note on your time record that you earned the day for future use. To do this, look for the Holiday Time Worked section on your time record and change the earned amount from “0” up to “1” next to the Veteran’s Day holiday. Employees can change the Earned Amount in Holiday Time Worked use increments of .25, .50, .75, and 1 is the maximum they can earn.

If you did not work on the Regular Compensatory Holiday (Nov. 11), no further action is required.


Classified employees

Full-time or part-time classified employees who worked on Nov. 11 and are set up with holiday pay in lieu of leave, you will receive holiday pay in your paycheck.

If you are set up with leave, you will earn 7.5 or 8 hours of regular holiday leave hours or will be credited with holiday leave equivalent to the number of hours as per your schedule not to exceed 1 day.


Use this link to view the full 2022 Holiday Calendar.