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Employee trainings from the Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion: Late February 2022

The Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion offers regular trainings and workshops to support employee professional development and growth.

Please see below for information and registration links for upcoming trainings this month.

More information and resources are available at https://www.newpaltz.edu/hr/training/.


Performance Management in PeopleAdmin

Tuesday, Feb. 22, 1 – 2 p.m. via Webex

Link to Register

Description: Join us to learn more about the new automated and paperless performance management process that will be hosted in People Admin for UUP and MC employees. The session will provide you with an overview of system features and how the process will work as well as the roll out timeline for campus users. Interested individuals can also learn about how to participate in an early adoption process with scaffolded support for transitioning to the new system. Please be aware that this is an information session and not process or system training.


Managing Up: How to Make the Most of Your Relationship with Your Supervisor

Friday, Feb. 25, 1 – 3 p.m. via Webex

Link to Register

Description: The relationship that most significantly impacts your professional satisfaction and engagement is the one that you have with your supervisor. However, many people take a passive role in how that relationship is created, cultivated and maintained. Managing up is the term used to describe the practices of individuals taking accountability for shaping the relationship they have with individuals who are higher than them within an organizational hierarchy. In this workshop we will talk about techniques that everyone can use to be actively engaged in building a more effective and enjoyable relationship with your supervisor even if you already have a good relationship.