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COVID-19 If/Then: What happens if an employee tests positive?

The College has put together a new series of “If/Then” scenario walkthroughs to help our community better understand pandemic practices and protocols.

Use this link for more “COVID-19 If/Then” scenarios from SUNY New Paltz.


If an employee tests positive for COVID-19 …

Then the employee should … Report the positive test result to the Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion (HRDI). If the test was conducted on campus, HRDI will be notified of the result automatically. If it was conducted off campus, the employee is responsible for notifying HRDI.

Any employee who tests positive, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, should isolate and remain off campus for 5 complete days, where Day 1 is the first day AFTER your symptoms started or you tested positive, per new CDC guidance released on Dec. 27, 2021.

After isolating for 5 days, you will be released from isolation if you are fever-free and other symptoms have approved. If your fever continues, please remain in isolation until your fever has resolved for 24 hours (without use of fever-reducing medications).

After being released from isolation, you must continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days, per the new CDC guidance. Please also follow any other directives from your physician.

Then the College will … Work with the employee and their supervisor to support them during their absence. This may include allotting COVID-19 sick leave time during their mandatory isolation or supporting telecommuting arrangements if appropriate, among other available accommodations.

There is no need to close an office in response to a positive test result for an employee. The College conducts daily cleaning of classrooms and high-touch points (like hallways, bathrooms, light switches and door handles), and weekly cleaning of all other interior campus spaces, in addition to targeted cleaning of specific areas as needed.