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COVID-19 If/Then: What happens if a vaccinated person is exposed to the virus?

The College has put together a new series of “If/Then” scenario walkthroughs to help our community better understand pandemic practices and protocols.

Use this link for more “COVID-19 If/Then” scenarios from SUNY New Paltz.


If a vaccinated person is exposed to COVID-19 …

Then contact tracers will … Ask about their symptoms.

Per CDC guidance, vaccinated and boosted individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19 but are not experiencing symptoms will not be directed to quarantine. They will be directed to mask, distance as much as possible, and schedule a test for 3-5 days after their exposure.

Those who have a first round of vaccination and are eligible for their booster but haven’t gotten it yet will be directed to quarantine for 5 days from the date of exposure. Unboosted students in this situation will not be permitted to quarantine on campus in spring 2022. Read more about that new policy here.

People who are vaccinated, have been exposed, and are experiencing symptoms will be directed to quarantine and get a COVID-19 test to confirm their diagnosis.

Then the vaccinated person should … Follow contact tracing directions as given.

If the vaccinated person was notified of their COVID-19 exposure by state or county (non-campus) contact tracers, they should alert the College of their exposure to support our own tracing process. Students should notify the Student Health Service, and employees should notify the Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion (HRDI).

If the vaccinated person does not have symptoms and was not directed to quarantine, they will not need to remain away from campus. Students in this situation can attend classes, and employees in this situation can continue working on campus. Always wear a mask indoors and consider wearing one outdoors when around others as well. If your test result comes back positive, refer to the guidance for COVID-19-positive individuals.

If directed to quarantine/isolate due to the presence of symptoms, please remain away from campus (unless you are a student quarantining in Awosting Hall) with no social contact until released by your physician.

If directed to test, students should make an appointment for ENZO Labs testing, or contact the Student Health Service at 845-257-3400 or their physician or another off-campus testing resource. Employees should not test on-campus and should contact their physicians or use another off-campus testing resource.