_Chronological News FeedCOVID-19

COVID-19 If/Then: What happens if a student has to miss an extended period of class time?

The College has put together a new series of “If/Then” scenario walkthroughs to help our community better understand pandemic practices and protocols.

Use this link for more “COVID-19 If/Then” scenarios from SUNY New Paltz.


If a student misses an extended period of class time due to COVID-19 isolation …

Then the student should … Stay in constant communication with faculty about possible options for making up coursework, with the understanding that in some courses it may not be possible to complete course requirements while missing in-person activity for an extended time.

Them the student’s instructors should … Provide flexibility to students as best you can. Options may include allowing extra time to complete assignments and granting incompletes or a late “W” grade, among others.