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Info on purchasing for the 2021-22 academic year

This information was first announced to the campus community in a comprehensive email sent by the Division of Administration & Finance on July 14. Use this link to view that message in its entirety.


As of July 2021, all purchase requests should be related to health and safety concerns or should be purchases that cannot be delayed due to programmatic requirements. Discretionary purchases that cannot be made at a later date will require an explanation as to why the delay would have a negative impact on the College.

All purchase requests continue to require review and approval by divisional vice presidents (or their designees) before being forwarded to the Purchasing Office.

All P-card purchases should also have the vice president’s (or designee’s) approval as part of the documentation.

In order to facilitate our current requirements for expending funds, we ask that faculty and staff use the FY 21-22 Purchase or Contract Expenditure Approval Form and submit it to the Purchasing Office along with your requisition justifying the need for the purchase during this time. This form should also be completed and retained with all P-card support documentation.

For those who use university-wide (U-wide) accounts, please note that pre-approvals are still required from System Administration for purchases over $250.00.

Please contact farbanid@newpaltz.edu or howelly@newpaltz.edu if you have any questions.