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Technology reminders for employees preparing to return to campus

As many SUNY New Paltz faculty and staff get ready to resume working on campus after extend periods of remote work, Information Technology Services (ITS) offers a few reminders, suggestions and resources to help make sure your office technology is running smoothly.


Use the Service Desk!

Have a technology request? Enter an IT Service Desk ticket online or call at (845) 257-3597.

Please note that IT Service Desk response times may be longer than usual due to increased call volumes.


Plan to update your campus computer

If you haven’t used your campus computer in while, it may have some software updates to catch up on.

This could take time and result in several system reboots. Please be patient! Plan to allow your computer to install the updates it needs on your first day back in the office, and never power off your computer during the updating process.


Get your phone and voicemail set up

ITS is available to help with changing your voicemail message or resetting your password. There are many options for services at the IT Service Desk under “Email, Phones & Dept. Directory.”

We can also help restore, change or set up a voicemail menu associated with your department’s main number.

And in offices where employees have recently retired, please consider whether anyone is answering that person’s phone calls. ITS can help redirect those calls to another line as needed.


Relocating to another office?

Please use this form to submit a request for your phone to be moved, and use this form for your computer move.


Make sure you have ID card access to campus buildings

Since March 2020, most campus buildings have been locked and access is only granted to those with a valid SUNY New Paltz ID card.

Campus Card Services is available to help you update, restore access or replace lost campus ID cards. Please reach out to them at cardservices@newpaltz.edu or (845) 257-3034 with questions.

Please note that card access requirements have been added to the exterior doors on the following buildings:

Parker Theatre
College Theatre
Grimm House
Hopfer House
van den Berg Hall Annex
Faculty Office Building


Faculty: Double-check your Classroom Technology!

If you haven’t been in the classroom recently, consider spending some time refamiliarizing yourself with classroom technology before your first class meeting.