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Brief update on the approved 2021-22 New York State budget

The following message was sent to all faculty and staff via email on April 12.

Dear Faculty and Staff:

Now that the 2021-22 enacted New York State budget has been approved, we know that everyone is eager for clarity on the financial conditions we will work with in the coming year. To date, we have received a broad outline of the SUNY budget, while questions remain about specific allocations to campuses and we continue our work to understand the full implications in this most unprecedented year. We will communicate more soon as we learn more and have more answers.

In the meantime, we echo the Governor’s gratitude for our state workers who have shown up every day during this pandemic to serve our students and manage the pandemic on our campus. We wholeheartedly support the Governor’s restoration of your contractual raises, and look forward to further instruction about timeline for those payments, which will be retroactive.


Michele Halstead, Vice President for Administration & Finance
Donald P. Christian, President