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Annual information security awareness training begins April 12

SUNY New Paltz faculty and staff are asked to complete information security awareness training beginning Monday, April 12.

The training modules offer guidance and demonstrate best practices for protecting various kinds of data that faculty and staff may encounter in the course of their work, including student and employee records, alumni information and more.

The training emails will come from informationsecurity@newpaltz.edu and will include a link to www.newpaltz.edu/securitytraining. This URL redirects users to the external training site, KnowBe4, that SUNY has contracted with.

For the first time, the College is asking all faculty and staff to complete this important training (in years past, the training was offered only to a subset of employees who work frequently with this kind of information).

There are different training courses for those who have completed this training before, and those for whom it is new. You can pause and restart the training, so you don’t have to do it all at once.

Those with questions about the training or the legitimacy of the invite emails are welcome to contact Information Security Officer Paul Chauvet at chauvetp@newpaltz.edu.