_Chronological News FeedCOVID-19

Eligible campus community members can get onto the vaccine standby list at the Ulster County Fairgrounds

This message was sent to the campus community via email on March 25.

The Ulster County COVID-19 vaccination site located at the Ulster County Fairgrounds has contacted the Office of Emergency Management about establishing a list of individuals at the College who are interested in being placed on a standby list – who are not currently scheduled for a vaccination – and would like to be offered a vaccination in the event the site has a surplus on any given day.

If you are an in-person faculty member, essential employee, or public-facing employee, and you do not already have a vaccination, you can get onto the Fairgrounds standby list by emailing Jeannette Trainor (trainorj@newpaltz.edu) with the following information:

Full Name
Date of Birth
Home Address
Cell Phone Number

All of this information is required to be placed on the standby list. Eligibility will be confirmed by the site. This opportunity is available to eligible student employees as well as faculty and staff.

Please be advised that this is a standby list only and does not guarantee a vaccination appointment. Individuals who are placed on this list should still seek and accept another vaccination appointment in the interim.