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Student Association elections are coming soon! If you plan to run, fill out your candidacy form by March 22

The following message was shared with students by email on March 2.

Hello SUNY New Paltz students,

Student Association elections for 2021-2022 are coming up very soon and we want you all to know what positions we have open in this cycle!

For those who are unaware who we are or need a reminder, the Student Association is the primary student governing body of SUNY New Paltz. We are composed of three branches: the Executive Board, the Senate, and the Judicial Board. The Student Association has many responsibilities, such as overseeing the $1.3 million budget made up of the student activity fee, writing and passing legislation regarding issues on campus, and meeting with the college administration to discuss current affairs and be a voice for the student body. This is a wonderful leadership opportunity to build your communication, interpersonal, and advocacy skills as well as network on campus.

The following positions that will be open during elections are:

  • President
  • Executive Vice President
  • Vice President of Academic Affairs and Governance
  • Vice President of Finance
  • Vice President of Programming
  • Vice President of Communication & Marketing
  • New Student Senator Representative Model 

The Senate will consist of thirty-one (31) activity-fee paying students elected by a representative body. The Representative model includes the following seats:

  • 14 Residence Halls Representatives (1 per hall)
  • 2 College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
  • 1 School of Business
  • 1 School of Education
  • 1 School of Fine & Performing Arts
  • 1 School of Science & Engineering
  • 4 Undergraduate Student Class Representatives based on Credits: Freshman (0-30), Sophomore (31-60), Junior (61-90), Senior (91+)
  • 2 Representatives Elected at Large
  • 1 Graduate Student
  • 2 Commuter Student
  • 1 International Student
  • 1 Transfer Student

Candidacy forms are available on Engage and the deadline will be March 22 at 12 p.m. Voting will take place from April 12 – 15.

If you would like to learn more about these positions, the Student Association will be hosting an information session via WebEx on March 4 and March 11 at 6 p.m. 

Here is the link to join: https://newpaltz.webex.com/newpaltz/j.php?MTID=m77068308c72c0d28ab5aac263c36a32a

Meeting number: 185 105 6645

Password: b4JkgQ

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or are unable to make one of the information sessions and would like to know more!


Haley Hershenson, President (president.newpaltzsa@gmail.com)
Dershanel Jno Lewis, Vice President of Programming (vpprogramming.newpaltzsa@gmail.com)