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Stay safe this St. Patrick’s Day!

The following message was shared with students by email on March 11.

Dear Students,

We made headlines last week for having 50 active cases of COVID. Most of these cases are resulting from known close contacts – people presumed to be “safe” because they are known and perhaps within in a “bubble.”  None of our bubbles is completely closed, and we remind you that to stay safe you need to practice social distancing even among friends and family. We know that you see restrictions lifting in New York, but please continue to be vigilant. Remember, the UK and South African variants are more contagious.

St. Patrick’s Day is typically celebrated with friends, and we invite you to do so safely. Please consider participating in one of the many campus programs being offered. Opt for outdoor contact, which is much safer than indoors (perhaps 20X safer), and enjoy the warmer weather!

Quarantine and Isolation is hard enough in the winter – no one wants to be trapped inside for two weeks now that spring is upon us. Keep up the good work of testing, distancing, screening and hoping for your day to be vaccinated. It is coming soon.


Donald P. Christian, President
Stephanie Blaisdell, Vice President for Student Affairs