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Faculty: Two options to establish provisional certification to teach in remote modalities

Dear Faculty,

As you know, we are planning to return to a mostly seated modality for fall 2021, and therefore will return to our pre-pandemic requirement that faculty be certified to teach in remote modalities (See earlier guidance here). As a reminder, faculty must establish full or provisional certification by June 15 in order to teach remotely in the fall 2021 semester.

We have always provided options for provisional certification, and we have expanded those options in the wake of COVID-19 to accommodate uncertified faculty who may need to continue teaching remotely during fall 2021. Our expanded options are as follows:

Provisional Certification Option for programs with OSCQR-BASED MASTER COURSES

A person with some LMS experience and competence is using an OSCQR-based course that has been designed and developed by another faculty member during an official faculty development process.

This option is appropriate in two situations:

Where a department has purposefully and formally developed Master Courses for use by adjuncts and others.

Where a certified member of your department has a fully developed course that exemplifies OSCQR and Digital Accessibility standards and they are willing to share their course with another instructor who is not certified.  To determine if this option is available, your chair will need to reach out to the Office of Instructional Technology at support.newpaltz.edu for approval.

Provisional Certification Option for OTHER APPROPRIATE REASONS, INCLUDING COVID-19

A person is able to provide evidence of having gone through the New Paltz training course (Developing a Blended Learning Course), which includes:

Using the New Paltz adapted OSCQR checklist

Using or modeling the New Paltz default LMS template shell 

Note: The evidence will be uploaded for review by the Assistant Vice President for Graduate & Extended Learning, the Instructional Design Team, and/or Peer Instructional Design Mentor Teacher.

We believe that most uncertified faculty who need to teach remotely fall 2021 will be able to establish provisional certification under this option.

If your fall 2021 course has been scheduled as synchronous online, asynchronous online, or hybrid, but you have not yet been certified to teach in these formats, you may seek provisional certification under one of these options.

Please complete the Provisional Certification Application Form. Although the form must be submitted electronically, for your convenience we are also providing a pdf version of the form to review in advance so that you are prepared with the items necessary for submission.